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Board Performance Reviews

"...The Shin Nippon Board were impressed with the professionalism of the team at Fletcher Jones...”

Neil Donaldson, Chair, 
Baillie Gifford Shin Nippon PLC

The UK Governance Code, which many organisations regard as the ‘gold standard’ for governance points to the importance of “formal and rigorous annual evaluation of the performance of the Board, its committees, the Chair, and individual directors.”

A good practice highlighted is to have periodic regular externally facilitated Board Performance Reviews. For our clients with a FTSE 350 or above listing, the Guidance suggests should happen at least every three years.

The Guidance also points to the importance of Board Performance Reviews in informing and influencing succession planning. Such Reviews should be both thorough and rigorous and they “should explore how effective the Board is as a unit, as well as the quality of the contributions made by individual directors”. The result is to provide an opportunity for boards to review skills, assess their composition, and to agree plans for filling skills gaps and increasing diversity. They can help companies identify when new board appointments may be needed and the types of skills that are required to maximise board effectiveness.

To be of most value and relevance to you, the Board Performance Reviews we undertake is tailored to the specific environment and operating style, as well as strategic goals and challenges faced by your Board. These would be ascertained from a confidential survey of all Board members and would consider themes such as:

  • The competence and performance of the Board
  • Overall strategic and corporate issues
  • Shareholder value
  • Governance
  • Process and style
  • Contribution made to Board committees
  • Appraisal of the Chair and the Chairs of Board Committees

We conduct private, individual conversations with all Board members and relevant stakeholders. We also include a confidential observation of a Board meeting, if desired, in order to provide a complete picture.

"...All candidates met our brief to a greater or lesser extent, which is a testament to FJ's research as a number of them were not previously known to FJ.  We felt they had listened to our brief well and sourced some highly impressive candidates."
Helen Sinclair, Chair, Octopus Future Generations VCT Read in full

"...At each stage Fletcher Jones provided help and advice which led to a smooth and seamless search process and an excellent choice of candidates. The appointments panel could have appointed a number of individuals..."
Richard Drinkwater, Nomination Committee Chair, Penrith Building Society Read in full

"...They were empathetic interlocutors, and their report sparked lively debate in the Boardroom and we have several clear themes on which to work in the short to medium term...”

Katrina Arnold, Chair, Birmingham Bank Read in full

"...Fletcher Jones went to a great deal of trouble to understand the requirements and produced an excellent list of candidates within the agreed timetable.  They did an excellent job and we were very happy with the result."
Tristan Hillgarth, Chair, JP Morgan Global Growth and Income Read in full

“...we were very pleased with the service Fletcher Jones provided and have no hesitation in recommending them. I personally felt that the team worked hard to help us find not just a great CEO but the right CEO for Metfriendly, the Board and our members.”
Joanna Young, Chair, Metfriendly Read in full

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